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MT9M112 Sensor Details and reference Parameters
2024-07-31 20:23:11

The MT9M112 is a high-performance digital image sensor commonly used in a variety of camera applications such as surveillance, in-vehicle, mobile devices, and more. It has won industry recognition for its superior image quality and flexible configuration options. In this paper, the main features, reference parameters and debugging methods of MT9M112 in practical application will be discussed.

First, an overview of the MT9M112 sensor
The MT9M112 is a megapixel CMOS sensor from On Semiconductor. It features a 3.75 micron pixel design and offers multiple resolution options up to 1.3 megapixels (1280 x 1024). The sensor has a high dynamic range and sensitivity to capture clear images under different lighting conditions. In addition, the MT9M112 also supports a variety of frame rates to suit different application scenarios.
Two, the main technical parameters
1.Resolution: MT9M112 can provide 1.3MP (1280x1024), VGA (640x480) and other resolution modes.
2. Pixel size: Each pixel size is 3.75 microns, which is conducive to the realization of small-size camera design.
3. Dynamic range: MT9M112 has a high dynamic range, which can maintain good image quality in both strong and low light environments.
4. Photosensitivity: With high quantum efficiency, clear images can be obtained even under low light conditions.
5. Frame rate: Support a variety of frame rates, such as 1.3MP resolution, can reach 30fps, to meet the real-time video needs.
6. Interface: MIPI CSI-2 interface is adopted to facilitate high-speed data transmission with the processor.
Third, debugging and application
1. Interface configuration: Correctly set the timing and data rate of the MIPI CSI-2 interface to ensure data transmission stability and speed.
2. Focal length and exposure: Adjust focal length and exposure time according to application needs to optimize image sharpness and brightness.
3. AGC(Automatic gain Control) and AWB(automatic white balance): Set AGC and AWB parameters reasonably to adapt to different lighting environments and ensure accurate color reproduction.
4. Mode switching: Use MT9M112's multi-resolution and frame rate characteristics to flexibly switch working modes according to application scenarios.
5. Image correction: For lens distortion, color difference and other problems, image correction processing, improve image quality.
Fourth, the importance of the data book
The MT9M112 datasheet is the key to understanding and using the sensor. It contains detailed electrical characteristics, mechanical specifications, pin definitions, operating guidelines and is an important reference during commissioning and design. By carefully reading and understanding data sheets, engineers can configure sensors more accurately, avoid common problems, and improve system performance.
To sum up, the MT9M112 is a powerful image sensor, and an in-depth understanding of its characteristics and parameters is important for developers. The correct grasp and application of this knowledge will help us to better utilize this sensor and develop high-quality camera solutions that meet the needs of the market. At the same time, the MT9M112 data book is an important tool for engineers, and the information in it should be made full use of to optimize the system design.

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