EV76C660ABT module e2v 1.3MP Ultra high ISO Complete new product camera module, mechanical arm industrial camera, handheld scanner module, with EP4CE15F17C8N ALTERA FPGA(field programmable gate arra
2023-04-21 16:52:55
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Onbroad IC:
EV76C660ABT: B&W, rolling shutter,1280 (H) x 1024 (W), 1/1.8-inches,5.3 x 5.3μm ,60fps @ full format,Responsivity :76000 LSB10/(Lux/s)
EP4CE15F17C8N:ALTERA,EP4C=Cyclone IV,E=Enhanced logic/memory;15=15,408 logic elements;F = FineLine BGA (FBGA);17 = 256 pins;C= Commercial temperature (TJ = 0° C to 85° C);8= (fastest);N = Lead-free packaging(datasheet page 12)
IS42S16400J-7BLI: ISSI,1 Meg Bits x 16 Bits x 4 Banks (64-MBIT) SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAM,
PACKAge Code: B 54 BALL Tf-BgA (Top View) (8 mm x 8 mm Body, 0.8 mm Ball Pitch),
ORDERING INFORMATION(datasheet page 57):143 MHz,7ns,54-ball BGA, SnAgCu balls
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