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IMX035LQZ-C SONY SONY1/3 inch 1.3MP 1.39MP 100 frames per second monitoring security camera CMOS image sensor
2020-03-05 18:31:33

IMX035LQZ-C, SONY SONY 1/3-inch,SONY 1.3MP,1.39MP@100 frames per second,  security camera CMOS image sensor
Sony has now developed the IMX035LOR CMOS sensor for industrial applications, a device that achieves both a high frame rate and a high siqnal-to-noise ratio.The IMX035LOB provides the resolution of a 1.3M-pixel sensor and can produce a maximum frame rate of 120 frame/s (in 10-bit A/D conversion mode). Usinq pixel technoloqies fostered in Sony's CCD development work, the IMX035LOR achieves high sianal-to-noise ratio and high sensitivity characteristics that are not available in existinq industrial CMOS sensors.Sony has also developed a black-and-white version (IMX035LLR) in the same packaqe and a packaqe variant color product (IMX035LQZ) at the same time.

1280 x 1024, 3.63μm square pixels,1/3” CMOS, color/mono, 4.65 x 3.72 mm array,


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