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The B6NS dual-channel deserialization chip receives video recording from the B6FS serialized liner Ambarella high performance HD,4K30FPS no latency multi-video streaming processing processor
2021-06-03 02:45:15
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The B6NS dual-channel deserialization chip receives video recording from the B6FS serialized liner Ambarella high performance HD,4K30FPS no latency multi-video streaming processing processor

B6NS De-Serializer Chip Datasheet
The high-performance Ambarella B6 companion chips enable the transmission of HD and 4K video from remote camera modules via coaxial cables, without the introduction of latency or a loss of video quality.  The B6 family of chips enables a wide range of automotive camera applications, including sur-round view, electronic mirrors, ADAS, and multi-channel video recording.
The Ambarella B6NS two-channel de-serializer chip receives one or two video streams from B6FS serializer chips or CMOS sensors, then outputs the combined video via an SlVS interface to an Ambarella SoC.    
※  Supports up to two channels of Serializer-Dese-rializer (SERDES) input
※  Supports up to 4Kp30 per input, or 1080p60 with HDR
※  performs all sensor synchronization tasks
※  Back-channel communication for programming sensor settings.
※  programmable video compression for reducing video data rate
※  10 General purpose Input / Output (GpIO) pins
※  Multi-bit error correction
※  package:49pins, 0.65mm pitch BGA  (5 mm x 5 mm)
This datasheet for the B6NS automotive de-serializer chip from Ambarella begins with a brief introduc-tion to the B6 family of co-processors (Section 1.1) and a summary of the key features of the two-channel-capable  (Section 1.2).  Chapter 2 describes the B6NS modules and interfaces.  For pin details and electrical character-istics refer to Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, respectively.  See Chapter 5 for package information and Chapter 6 for Ambarella contact and ordering details.  
1.1 Introduction to B6 Co-Processors from Ambarella
Ambarella B6 companion chips enable multi-stream capture of up to 4Kp30 video for high-performance automo-tive applications including surround view, electronic mirrors, ADAS, and multi-channel video recording.  Designed to support complex systems requiring multiple image sensors deployed over a vehicle, the B6 family of co-proces-sors serves as a highly efficient bridge between the digital signal processor (DSP) and up to four image sensors, allowing 360-degree coverage without the introduction of latency or a loss of video quality.  Moreover, B6 chips 
enable high-resolution Bayer RGB sensor data to be transferred using a simple coaxial cable.  The 5x5-mm B6S 
family is composed of the following co-processor types.  
  1. B6FS: (Far-end) The B6FS serializer chip captures Bayer RGB sensor input, serving as a bridge between a remotely-located sensor and a B6NS co-processor (or an A9AQ chip).
  2. B6NS: (Near-end) The B6NS de-serializer chip combines the 1- or 2 channels of video stream from B6FS and sends it via MIpI-CSI or SlVS interface to an Ambarella SoC.
  3. B6DFS: (Far-End) The B6DFS chip transfers the SERDES data received from A9AQ in MIpI-DSI or Open lDI format to connect to remote external displays.  Refer to Figure 1-3 below.
※  The B6FS serializer chip captures Bayer RGB sensor input, serving as a bridge between a remotely-located sensor and a B6NS chip (required to convert the SERDES stream into a MIpI-CSI or SlVS stream) or an A9AQ chip (B6NS is not required when using A9AQ).  
※  B6DFS (far-end) display chip is required when outputting to one or two remote display using A9AQ. For a single local display, no display chips are required.
※  Coaxial cables (up to 10m) can be used to connect remote cameras/ displays using the B6 SERDES solution.  In a multi-channel use case, if the cable is disconnected while the system is active, the specific channel will be dropped; while the rest of the system operation will not be disrupted.
1.2 B6N SIntroduction to the B6NS 
Features of the B6NS de-serializer chip are as follows:
◎Data path
  ※   Serializer-Deserializer (SERDES) Input Mode: the Sensor → B6FS VIN → B6FS SERDES  
  ※   The Merger Module reassembles SERDES data into a single video channel
  ※   Supports up to 4Kp30 or 1080p60 video resolution
◎ Video Stream Output (VOUT) Module.
  ※   Supports two output modes: MIpI-CSI and SlVS
  ※   Flexible back-channel communication
  ※   Selectable SSI/SpI or I2C/IDC interface
  ※   SSI/SpI or I2C/IDC sensor communications occur over the coaxial cable (i.e., no extra control wires required)
  ※   Supports multi-channel/sensor synchronization
  ※   Coaxial cable (up to 10 m) required for connection to B6FS 
◎  programmable video decompressor
◎ 10 General purpose Input / Output (GpIO) pins
◎  Multi-bit error correction
◎  ECC encoder and decoder
◎  Five plls: Core, VOUT,Rx pHY, Tx0 pHY, and Tx1 pHY
◎  49-pin, 0.65-mm pitch BGA package (5 mm x 5 mm)
◎  Operating temperature range: -20 C to +85 C
2.1 Interfaces: Overview
This chapter provides summary information regarding the B6NS peripheral interfaces.  The chapter is organized as follows:
    ※   (Section 2.2) Input Interface
    ※   (Section 2.3) Video Output (VOUT) Interface
    ※   (Section 2.4) IDCS Bridge Module
    ※   (Section 2.5) SSI Host Interface
2.2 B6NS Input Interface
The B6NS input interface supports two separate input instances simultaneously, each with independent program-ming and operation.  
The features of the B6NS input interface are provided below.
◎ Two channels of input
◎ Serializer-Deserializer (SERDES) Input Mode: Up to 2-lane SERDES input from B6 far-side chips
  ※   Up to 4Kp30 per input
◎ pixel Reordering module allows programmable sequencing of the YUV (Y, Cb, Cr) components into the desired output order.
  ※   Support for RGB format included
2.3 B6NS Video Output (VOUT) Interface
The B6NS VOUT interface supports  output modes:  MIpI-CSI MIpI DSI, SlVS, and Open lDI. and SlVS
2.4 B6NS IDCS Bridge Module
The IDCS module is an I2C / IDC slave device that serves as a bridge between the B6NS internal bus and the Ambarella DSp.  Features of the IDCS module include:
◎Three operational modes:
  ※   Standard mode: up to 100 kb/s data transfer rate
  ※   Fast mode: up to 400 kb/s data transfer rate
  ※   High-speed (Hs) mode: up to 3.4 Mb/s data transfer rate
◎Minimum clock frequency: 1.34 MHz in standard mode
2.5  B6NS SSI Host Interface
The B6NS chip provides a SSI host interface module, a slave interface which receives commands from the chip and transfers them into a AHB master signal (The data path is Ambarella SoC → B6NS SSI2 AHB interface → B6NS AHB bus → B6NS AHB peripherals).  Features of the SSI host interface include:
※   Support for 8-bit data frames
※   Support for scph = 0, indicating that the serial clock toggles in the middle of the first data bit, and scpol = 0, indicating a low inactive state. 
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